Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to the Club!

WELCOME......This is a new blog that is intended for those who are members of the Ammon Classics Book Club in Idaho Falls (originated in Ammon).

This Club was started in 2005. There are so many wonderful reads out there - but we chose to specifically read only the "classics". As many people will argue over what actually constitutes a classic, we chose to use a date for our guidelines. Basically, anything written prior to the 1960's will earn our approval.

Over the years there have been many different members of the club. This club is probably one of the few "true" book clubs out there - where the books that are chosen are actually discussed at the meetings! It has been a very educational, entertaining, and uplifting part of my life and I hope of many others as well.

I need to give credit where it is due. One of the reasons that I started a book club in the first place was because I was challenged to do it by a dear friend of mine. She lived near me in Wyoming, and started up a classics club there as well. She was the one who introduced me to the classics and to the joy of reading. And for that, I am greatly indebted to her. She has since started another book club where she currently resides in Utah. Thanks forever, Krislyn.

In case you are wondering "Why the classics when there are so many good books out there today?" Here are some good reasons to read the classics.

* To learn to think about deep and thought provoking questions, and to know where to look for the answers

* To learn the language of the scriptures

* To learn to speak to each other with understanding and eloquence

* Because we have been commanded to

* They elevate our mind and spirit by introducing us to the greatest minds of all times and places

Mortimer Alder said, “Whoever passes by what is over his head condemns his head to its present low altitude; for nothing can elevate a mind except what is over its head; and that elevation is not accomplished by capillary attraction, but only by the hard work of climbing up the ropes, with sore hands and aching muscles.”

Here are some more great quotes about reading classics:

“Noble companions inspire nobility. Literature affords the opportunity to everyone – the poor, the rich, the humble, the great – to spend as many hours as he wishes in the company of the noblest men and women the world has ever known.”
- David O. McKay –

“When you read a classic, you don’t see more in the book than you did before. You see more in yourself than you did before.”
- Clifton Fadiman –

And one of my favorite quotes about reading is the simple adage that "The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who can't."

So, enjoy this blog. Leave comments whenever you would like. Be patient with the start-up as it is just a newborn blog. Soon, there will be a list to the side of the blog that has all of the books that we have read so far. There will also be a list of each of the members of the club, so we can get to know each other better. And a list of other great books (which we haven't yet read) as suggestionsfor future book club selections.